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Welcome to my world - mostly the fabric world that I escape to whenever I have time. Hope you enjoy it and please feel free to comment.....

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Another little bag...and a lonnng story

I have been going thru my Aussie scraps whenever I have a few spare minutes and cutting out things to make for Ireland and I have been looking forward to seeing this little bag made up.  I really like this feature fabric and this was about all I had left.  I just had to make something with it that made the most of it! 
 It was my MIL's birthday on the weekend and she phoned (before we could phone her)to say thankyou for the bag I had made her.  While she was on the phone she mentioned a new yarn being featured at Lincraft (kind of like Joanns but has linen and other stuff as well).  It is call Elicia.  Anyway it sounded interesting, even to me who doesn't like knitting that much so I googled it and watched the online video on how to use it.  Too easy!  So, today I made a bee line for Lincraft, somewhere I rarely go just to get myself some of the yarn.  I bought pink, which I am knitting up as a gift, and blue which I am going to send to my sister in Western Australia. 
 I spent about two hours knitting on and off, while watching TV and talking to my girlfriends today and tonight and look what I have to show for it!  It is about 55 inches long already!   It is amazing how quickly this goes!

My sister liked the sound of it too - she lives in the country so would have had to wait till she went to the city to get some of the yarn, that is why I am sending it to her.  What I didn't realise is that Lincraft has shut down in Western Australia and so she wouldn't be able to get the yearn anyway.  Just as well I am going to post her some.

It seems that it is also available in the States but under a different brand, Marina by Rozetti Yarns.  They actually have a heap of much more gorgeous colours and I have found a website that stocks it and will ship to Australia so I am thinking of ordering some more in the prettier colours for myself.  I might just do a couple of balls but I think I know a couple of people who would love scarves like these too.

The rest of tonight's time is now to be devoted to sewing but I can't show you what I am doing as it is another Round Robin Quilt.  I have a heap of sewing to do as I have a sewing bee here tomorrow and currently all my pins are holding tonight's sewing together.  I better get going so I can free some up for tomorrow!

Till next time........happy stitching!


  1. Love, love those colors!

  2. I don't knit, but really admire anyone who does! It looks like so much fun! (Can't start anything new, though, other than more quilting.)

  3. Wow, that knitting looks so lacy and intricate. It is hard to believe that was easy!! Love it!

  4. Beautiful scarf-----it looks so lacey. is it the yarn or the pattern that makes it look like that. Will look into this, you MIL will love it.

  5. Went to the websit and found the yarn and the pattern download. Pattern looks a little difficult, but will try to figure it out. I like this scarf--------project #99 as my good friend Lori used to say.

  6. I bought a teach-yourself-to-knit book (well, ok, it's aimed for kids, surely I can figure it out!...famous last words!) but haven't done anything with it yet! I need more hands to get everything done! Love the orange on the bag!


  7. I do like that ''wool/yarn'' and could see a few of my family members wearing it... the dreaded internet when the children are home... that happens to us... at times I have gone onto the server website and added more download for when they are around the once they are gone I change it back xxx

  8. Thank you so much for sharing I watched the tutorial I have never knitted before but it seems so simple.


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